Monday, October 17, 2016

DISK 2 & Lyricism

Recently, Radiohead released the backside of their 2007 album "In Rainbows" to the wide world of streaming. I've listened to it multiple times on youtube, but I finally get to have it on Spotify, right next to their 10-song front-side classic.

My first thought: if these songs couldn't even make it on the main LP, then shit, they're just too good for this planet.

(FYI, I'm not trying to make this blog a Radiohead fan page. I hope everyone understands this. I'm honestly just trying to communicate my creative process. Radiohead has inspired me. And using them as an example facilitates my musical/literary creative writing).

My second thought: I need to become more knowledgeable. I need to know about the making of this album. I've heard so much about how it was a f*ck you to the music industry, how it was a f*ck you to everything else, and how it correlates perfectly with their 10-years-past album "Ok Computer" (called the binary theory). But I really really wanted to get under the skin of this album. I felt like I this album was extra cerebral. Extra internal. Less contemplative of the outside world.

This was the podcast I ended up listening to:

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